The force “is” in you~

Many things happen when we sit quietly and do nothing. The earth spins, the sun shines, spring turns to summer, summer transitions to autumn, leaves change colour, the snow comes, it goes, clouds burst open to feed the earth, trees and plants pump out oxygen so we can breathe, and,
we do absolutely nothing to make any of this happen. Nothing.

Your heart beats, your blood flows and your lungs provide the oxygen you need to live this life, without you even thinking about it, without you having to force it and without you having to “want it.”
We accept these things, we trust the process, we even marvel at it.

The energy managing this system of continual transformation is happening within all of us, all of the time. It doesn’t matter if you call this universal force science or religion, the fact is, it’s there.

It’s when we resist this force, and try to “force” our will and power over things and people, that life, humanity and the planet fall into chaos.
Yep, I’m gonna say it …~ “The force is in you.” Let it do its thing.

Maybe we all have to stop trying so hard to force our will, our power, our greed, and our beliefs, over others and be mindful of a greater more peaceful force already at work ☮️.
Like they said in the 60s “go with the flow.”

Toni O’KEEFFE ~🌹❤️

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