Slow down

Go slowly~

Life goes by oh so quickly. It seems the faster we go, the faster it all goes by and, the more we miss along the way.

Like looking out the window of a speeding train, when we move too fast or we’re too busy, we barely see a thing, just bits and pieces and most of life becomes a blur.

When we slow down, we begin to observe and listen more deeply, and, we see our lives, each other and the world more clearly.

I don’t know why we were led to believe that being busy and doing things quickly, is better. For some things, of course, but in general, life is calmer when we live, work, play and love slowly.

You may actually get to where you’re going quicker and achieve your goals faster by slowing down. Walking gently through life improves our ability to be mindful and focus; which can result in better decision-making, fewer accidents, less stress and, better emotional self-control.

Allow yourself to go slowly, to savour the sights, the sounds, the feelings and the moments that make up your life. Take time to inhale life deeply and enjoy the view.

If you don’t know how to slow down, you can start by;

  1. Slowly letting go of things and people that misuse your time. If it’s not necessary or doesn’t bring you joy, let it go.
  2. Spend time in nature. Nature has a calming and healing effect that causes us to slow down, to breathe deeply and release anxiety and stress.
  3. Practicing mindfulness and meditation, teaches us how to slow down and observe life as it is.
  4. Slow down your morning routine. Sip your coffee or tea slowly, stand out on your patio or balcony and slowly inhale and exhale as you begin your day.
  5. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude; Gratitude helps us focus on what we have instead of what we think is lacking, which then reduces our need to work harder and faster to acquire more.

As you pass through your one, short, beautiful, life, you’ll see more, feel more, experience more and be happier when you move slowly and gently along your path.

None of us are getting any more time, so enjoy the time you’ve got, whats the rush?

Toni O’KEEFFE🌹❤️

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